Chairperson: Margaret Hall – (250) 567-0878
Entry Fee: $1.00 per entry
Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $2
Sponsors: LePoidevin Greenhouse
Atkin’s Greenhouse
Special Rules:
1. One entry per Exhibitor in each class, except where specified.
2. Classes listed as "Other" may have two entries per Exhibitor.
3. All entries must be the property of and grown by the Exhibitor.
4. Containers for all entries must be provided by Exhibitor.
5. Colours may be mixed unless specified.
6. For all "Other" classes, entries will be judged on its own merit or with other like kind.
7. Height of container-Small 6" or under Medium-7-10" Large over 10".
8. Classes may be divided if sufficient entries. This will be at the discretion of the Chairperson or Judge.
9. All entries must be grown by the Exhibitor and not previously shown in the Nechako Valley Exhibition.
Bloom = A stem with a single bloom
Spike = An upright stem with several blooms
Stem = A specimen with leaves, flowers and buds
Spray = A much-branched inflorescence, such as phlox, godetia, dianthus or clarkia
Section 1 Cut Flowers
1100 Aster, 4 blooms
1101 Bachelor buttons, 4 stems
1102 Calendula, 4 blooms
1103 Clarkias, 6 sprays
1104 Cosmos, 6 sprays
1105 Dahlia, 3 blooms
1106 Daisy, 6 stems
1107 Delphinium, 3 spikes
1108 Dianthus, 4 stems
1109 Gladiolus, 4 spikes
1110 Lavatera, 4 spikes
1111 Lilies, 2 spikes
1112 Marigold, 4 blooms
1113 Nasturtiums, 4 blooms
1114 Nicotiana, 3 sprays
1115 Pansy, 4 blooms
1116 Petunia double, 3 cuts
1117 Petunia single, 3 cuts
1118 Poppy, 4 stems
1119 Roses shrub, 2 spray
1120 Roses tea, 2 stems
1121 Snapdragon, 3 stems
1122 Strawflower, 6 stems
1123 Sunflower small, 3 blooms up to 6"
1124 Sunflower medium, 3 blooms over 6" under 12"
1125 Sunflower large, 1 bloom 12" and over
1126 Sweet peas, 6 stems
1127 Sweet Williams, 6 sprays
1128 Zinnia giant double, 3 blooms
1129 Zinnia single, 3 blooms
1130 Other, does not fit in any of the above classes. Provide 1 to 4 stems (max 2 entries)
Section 2 Arrangements
1131 Arrangement, dahlias
1132 Arrangement, dried flowers and grasses
1133 Arrangement, formal, using flowers with foliage as desired
1134 Arrangement, miniature flowers, under 4"
1135 Arrangement, mixed flowers
1136 Arrangement, using dried flowers only
1137 Arrangement, wildflowers, and grasses
1138 Bouquet, mixed flowers in a large container
1139 Bouquet, mixed flowers in a small container
1140 Bouquet, one variety, large
1141 Bouquet, one variety, small
1142 Bouquet, roses, minimum 7 stems
1143 Other, does not fit in any of the above classes (max 2 entries)
Section 3 House plants and Hanging baskets
1144 Houseplant, large
1145 Houseplant, small
1146 Indoor hanging plant, large
1147 Indoor hanging plant, small
1148 Outdoor hanging basket
1149 Patio container
1150 Other, does not fit in any of the above classes (max 2 entries)
This year's theme: Harvest in the Valley
1. All entries must be the work of the Exhibitor and not previously shown in the Nechako Valley Exhibition.
2. Entries must be brought to the Exhibit Building on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 between 12 noon and 8:00 pm.
3. No entries will be accepted after 8:00 pm on August 14, 2024.
4. Exhibits must not show any identification of the Exhibitor, except on the entry ticket. Any signatures on paintings will be covered with painter’s tape.
5. Complete one Entry Form for each Division.
6. Prepare your entry papers in advance of registration. Entry forms and exhibitor numbers will be at the library from July 9 - August 13 at noon.
7. Exhibits must only be picked up after 4:00 pm on Sunday, August 18, 2024.
8. Items left in the Exhibit Building after 5:00 pm on Sunday, August 18, 2024 will be available in the Exhibition office until September 30, 2024. After that date all items and prize money will become the property of the Nechako Valley Exhibition Society.
9. Please read
Notice to Exhibitors
10. Classes may be divided at the discretion of the Chairperson or Judge.
11. Being the only entry in a class does not automatically mean you will get first place. The criteria still has to be met and the placing is up to the judge.
12. In the adult division only one first and one second will be given out per class.
13. At the discretion of the judge, if entries are not considered fair quality, awards may not be assigned.
14. Please return any extra Exhibitor tags to the Exhibit Building.
15. In the Community class division, it is clearly understood that all entries will be given to a community group and will not be returned to the individual who made them.
16. Please consult the special rules as printed at the beginning of each division for further information.
a. The entry fee for 2024 will be $1.00 for each entry.
b. First place prize money $3.00, Second place prize money $2.00